To help Dr. Mounir Manchester Plastic Surgeon to review your past medical history and to understand your needs and desires, you are asked to fill the medical pathway below. Please bring a signed copy with you to your consultation.
In case you are smoker you would absolutely need to sign the smoker consent form below. Please bring a copy with you to your initial consultation. We have also posted few forms on the Manchester Cosmetic Centre for your use. Please click on the desired procedure and print the form, read and bring these forms with you on the day of your scheduled consultation. We look forward to meeting you when you visit Manchester Cosmetic Centre.
Your uniqueness is beautiful. At Manchester Cosmetic Centre, our goal is to complement and highlight your unique beauty so that you can realize your ideal you.
If you would like to take the first step toward a truly exceptional experience and stunning results, please schedule your consultation with Dr. Abel Mounir today. We offer consultations in Manchester, Liverpool, and Birmingham.
61 King St, Manchester M2 4PD