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Emsculpt in Manchester, UK

Non-Invasive Body Sculpting in Manchester

Sometimes, it can feel impossible to achieve our ideal physique despite our best efforts. There is no shortage of demanding workout regimens and fad diets. But busy schedules, stubborn fat pockets, and slowed metabolism can keep us from reaching our full potential. Fortunately, there is a revolutionary non-invasive treatment that melts fat and tones muscle simultaneously.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Abel Mounir is proud to offer state-of-the-art body sculpting in Manchester. Emsculpt uses electromagnetic energy to induce tens of thousands of supramaximal muscle contractions in target areas, building muscle exponentially faster than any traditional workout and burning fat. Schedule your consultation with Manchester Cosmetic Centre to take the first step toward experiencing this groundbreaking treatment for yourself and achieving the defined, youthful body contours you want.

Dr. Mounir's Advantages

  • Private and in-depth consultations directly with a Manchester board-certified cosmetic plastic surgery specialist
  • Dr. Mounir’s manages patient care personally (pre- and post-procedure)
  • Tailored approaches for your unique case
  • Competitive pricing in Manchester
  • Dr. Abel Mounir MD M.Sc Manchester
  • Plastic cosmetic surgeon is a member of the British Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (BAPRAS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Manchester EmSculpt model smiling

What are the Benefits of Emsculpt?

Emsculpt offers an exceptionally advantageous treatment option for many patients seeking more defined body contours.

Treatment is short and comfortable, requiring absolutely no preparation, anesthesia, incisions, injections, or downtime. Furthermore, Emsculpt is the safest body sculpting treatment available. In addition to toning muscle and burning fat in treated areas, Emsculpt also boosts metabolism so that you can keep burning fat after your leave our office. Patients with diastasis recti can achieve an 11% reduction in muscle separation as well.

Emsculpt is FDA-approved to sculpt the:

  • Arms
  • Thighs
  • Calves
  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks

Who is a Candidate for Emsculpt?

Emsculpt is an excellent treatment option for you if you would like to sculpt certain areas of your body in an non-invasive way. Emsculpt is most effective in patients who lead an active, healthy lifestyle, but who want to break through their fitness plateau to enhance muscle strength or eliminate pockets of stubborn excess fat. As the safest body contouring treatment on the market, it is an ideal solution for patients who want to avoid the risks of surgery or who may not be candidates for alternative therapies. However, there are some contraindications to this treatment. Manchester Emsculpt patients with any of the following should discuss these conditions with Dr. Mounir to ensure safe treatment:

  • Epilepsy
  • Malignant tumor
  • Medication pumps
  • Cardiac pacemakers
  • Implanted defibrillators
  • Hemorrhagic conditions
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Implanted neurostimulators
  • Recent surgical procedures
  • Menstruation at the time of treatment
  • Metal or electronic implants near the treatment area
Manchester EmSculpt model with dark hair

What to Expect During Your Emsculpt Treatment

When you arrive at Manchester Cosmetic Centre for your procedure, you will not have to worry about lengthy preparation or treatment. Instead, your Emsculpt treatment will be underway almost immediately.

While you relax comfortably, Dr. Mounir will affix the treatment applicators to the targeted area and start your session. The Emsculpt machine will use HIFEM (high-intensity focused electromagnetic) energy to stimulate the targeted muscles, inducing intense and rapid contractions. The intensity of the contractions will gradually increase throughout your session. In just 30 minutes, your targeted muscles will perform more than 20,000 contractions stronger than the body can produce voluntarily. As soon as your treatment is complete, you will be able to return to all of your regular daily activities.

Your Emsculpt Recovery

Something our Manchester Emsculpt patients love about this procedure is that there is virtually no recovery period after your treatment. You may experience some muscle soreness for a day or two, but this is typically mild and comparable to what you might feel after an intensive workout at the gym. Most patients choose to skip the gym on the day of their treatment and one or two days after simply because they have already gotten their workout in during their treatment.

Your Emsculpt Results

Your results will appear gradually over several weeks following your appointment. You’ll notice fat begin to melt away as your muscles become more toned and defined. Most patients require a series of treatments to achieve their desired results. A standard Emsculpt treatment plan involves four to six treatments spaced over the course of three weeks, with two follow-up sessions six to eight weeks later. However, some patients may need more or fewer treatments. During your consultation for Emsculpt Manchester plastic surgeon, Dr. Mounir will discuss with you your personal goals and optimal treatment plan.

Schedule Your Consultation for Emsculpt at Manchester Cosmetic Centre

Discuss Body Sculpting in Manchester, Liverpool, and Birmingham

Emsculpt offers an ideal solution for patients interested in accomplishing in minutes what could take months’ worth of gym sessions. For more information on Emsculpt non-surgical body sculpting treatments, Dr. Mounir Manchester plastic surgeon encourages his prospective Manchester Emsculpt patients to contact us on 0800 228 9227 and book a consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will Emsculpt last?

Your results will last approximately six months. To ensure the best results longevity, Dr. Mounir recommends living a healthy, active lifestyle and scheduling maintenance sessions as needed.

How many inches do you lose with Emsculpt?

Results vary, but after Emsculpt Manchester patients can expect to lose between 3.5 and four centimeters from their waist.

Can you see results after one Emsculpt session?

Many of our Manchester Emsculpt patients say they can tell a difference in the treated area immediately after their first treatment. However, results continue to develop for several weeks after each session. So, while you may notice a difference on day one, you will notice ongoing improvement for weeks or even months after your treatment.

What is the difference between CoolSculpting® and Emsculpt?

While both technologies effectively sculpt the body, their approaches are quite different. Emsculpt uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy to induce powerful muscle contracts that burn local fat, build muscle, and enhance definition. On the other hand, CoolSculpting uses cryolipolysis to freeze and permanently destroy fat cells and has no impact on the underlying muscles.

How is CoolSculpting performed when compared to Emsculpt?

The Emsculpt applicators are placed in position just before your treatment begins and will stay in the same location throughout your entire session. CoolSculpting is applied using a handheld tool that suctions rolls of fat between cooling panels. The CoolSculpting applicator must be moved throughout the treatment to effectively sculpt the body.

Your uniqueness is beautiful. At Manchester Cosmetic Centre, our goal is to complement and highlight your unique beauty so that you can realize your ideal you.

If you would like to take the first step toward a truly exceptional experience and stunning results, please schedule your consultation with Dr. Abel Mounir today. We offer consultations in Manchester, Liverpool, and Birmingham.

61 King St, Manchester M2 4PD

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